


Dropbears- Elusive
(Song chosen by Fraser Nightingale)

There are certain etiquette's required in writing a blog. One is to have a topic in which to write about the other might include a regular posting time. I have been known to disregard these unwritten rules and either sway between subjects or post at unruly times. Every time I am not consistent with my work, I stop writing. I feel as though I have betrayed my reader in not presenting consistent and reliable posts that are true to the theme of the blog and so I stop.

It's been about three hours since I wrote the above and I've lost my train of thought so I apologize for moving on. 

I have just been to Leederville with my brother-in-law to get gelato. As one does. Artwork so conformed, so huge that I didn't see it at first glance. A little shop, that is not so little, Gusto Gelato possess a certain atmosphere. Elegant slashes of watercolor print laced with alternating light bulbs juxtaposed with rugged industrial bricks. What a pleasure. 
Unfortunately I was enjoying my surroundings so much so that I had forgotten to take snaps. Instead, enjoy art which is humbling the city of Vincent. 

Artwork in Leederville, Perth.

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